Children’s music program

Music Connections

We believe that music is one of the many languages children use to explore and express their spirituality. Through active opportunities to create and compose music, we strive to:

  • Awaken each child’s spirit through song, speech, movement, rhythm and melody
  • Develop relationships to strengthen the ORUCC community
  • Provide a safe environment for children to discuss issues of spirituality
  • Offer the use of quality instruments such as chimes, xylophones, and African drums
  • Encourage musical enrichment and appreciation

During the school year, children meet three Sundays a month with Julie Mazer, the Children’s Music Director, during both Sunday School and worship for singing, drumming, poetry writing, and playing Orff instruments (xylophones.) The program for preschool through first grade offered during 9:00 Sunday School features singing, finger plays, movement, and small instruments. Music Connections is the program for second through fifth graders offered during 10:00 worship. (Older youth are invited to help lead.)  The children, under Julie’s leadership, share and lead the 4:00 pm Christmas Eve service. They also share occasionally in Sunday morning worship.

Music for youth—TRU Function Band

Youth (7th through 12th grade) who play an instrument or sing are invited to participate in TRU Function. They rehearse three Sundays a month from 10:15-11:45 and play in worship approximately once a month. They choose and play from a wide variety of music genres including rock, blues, Christian rock, and rap. The director for Tru Function is Rob Martens.